“And there I was…….,” is how you start a good fish story, according to our newly trained mentees in Raleigh, North Carolina!


Last summer, while our Raleigh Project was having a slower fishy day, they taught their mentees how to tell a GOOD fishing story. Not the kind where you say you caught nothing, but the kind where a 3 inch blue gill turns into a 3 ft fish that was eaten by a shark, right when they got it to the reel!
“We encourage fibbing about stories ONLY about fishing!”, Lead Mentor, Annie O’Leary, said with a laugh. She said what started as a funny joke, ended up being one of the highlights of the season. “Their stories just got bigger and bigger, and so did their smiles. Seeing the mentors circled around them, laughing along with them, really made their time with TMP special,” she said. At TMP we say what we do is about fly fishing, but it also has nothing to do with fly fishing! It’s about meeting people where they’re at on the river, showing up to hold space for them, and connecting them to moments of peace and laughter on the water!



We’re honored to have such talented Leads and Mentors who put their whole heart into their time with their mentees, and always go the extra mile! Annie was also recently nominated as a TMP Mentor to highlight. Her team said:

“Annie works diligently to keep all the mentors engaged and participating in the project. She does this by playing to everyones strengths and interests for tasks in preparation and during sessions. She greets everyone like an old friend and lives her love for the TMP. She’s amazing!”
Way to go, Annie, and thank you for setting an example to all of us at TMP of being a great leader and bringing your creative playfulness to the outings!


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