
You Are Cool!

You Are Cool!

You are Cool! By Jay Langston, Little Rock Project Yesterday, at our project outing, I was fly fishing with a middle school-aged child from our local foster care group home in Arkansas. Towards the end of the project I said, “You are a super cool dude!" He looked away...

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Wet Fly Swing Podcast

Wet Fly Swing Podcast

TMP Founder, Jess Westbrook, is honored to speak with Dave Steward of Wet Fly Swing Podcast recently! Jess Westbrook shares the amazing stories behind the Mayfly Project that he created to help foster kids change their lives with fly fishing. Today, we find out what...

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Our 2020 Impact!!

Our 2020 Impact!!

Stay in the loop with news, events, and updates from The Mayfly ProjectFacebookInstagramTwitterAboutAbout UsMentoringConservationProjectsResourcesFly Fishing Education CenterMentor Info CenterStart a FundraiserLinksDonateIn Kind DonationsLog...

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Stay in the loop with news, events, and updates from The Mayfly Project