It was an amazing year for our Denver, Colorado Project!
We run a large program, and we served 12 kids over this past summer and fall. We had 9 boys and 3 girls participate this year. Two of our boys participated last year, and one of those two participated for his third year in a row. We fished at Pella Crossing, Davis Ponds at Staunton State Park, a private lake in Hygiene, Lehow Lake by Chatfield, and up on Clear Creek. The kids all caught multiple fish during the season, and every kid was brave enough to get in a pair of waders and in a float tube paired with a mentor at our third outing. Most of the kids tried tying a fly at least once throughout the summer. The kids had their first moving water session in September, and they all learned a ton and did a great job paying attention to the safety lessons they had been practicing, and learning new fishing techniques on the river.
That day, we spotted a small Golden trout in the water in Clear Creek, and since we could see it’s very bright yellow back, the kids could easily watch how it moved through the water, around rocks and observe it’s general behavior. We tried our very best but no one could catch it, but it was a great lesson! All of the kids received their brand new gear on that last outing, so they were all set up with a rod, reel, case, pack, flies, boxes, tools, terminal tackle…the works!
I have included a photo of most of our program mentors, and a photo of two of the thank you notes we received from the kids. Typically, each kid creates a hand written thank you card for their mentor, and those are the most meaningful notes many of us have ever received. The first photo (mentors shown, kids faces redacted) is the terminal tackle table set up on our last outing. Each kid picks out everything they need to fill their brand new fishing sling bag, and then they sit with their mentor to review each item and set up their packs. On that last day, they get to use all of their new gear for the outing!
Our team of 20+ mentors and I are truly humbled and grateful for local companies, donors, and fly clubs, such as High Plains Drifters, for the sponsorships this year!
Marcy Becker, Lead Mentor
The Mayfly Project- Denver Chapter
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