“Thank you so much for giving these kids the opportunity to learn how to fly fish. It was an amazing experience!”

DCFS, Resource Coordinator

Manchester, Vermont Project

Manchester, Vermont Project

Lead Mentor: Christine Atkins

Project location: Manchester, Vermont

Year project founded: 2019

Mentors on this team: 4-6

Children mentored to date: 4

Children to be mentored in 2020: 4-6

Local foster care partners: Bennington Department for Children and Families-Family Services

Local companies that support this project: The Orvis Company, Christos’ Pizza and Pasta, and Wayside Country Store

Currently looking support and sponsorship for 2020!

Support The Mayfly Project

Manchester, Vermont Project

The fly fishing sessions offered the kids (and adults!) a break from their day-to-day and created an opportunity to connect with the outdoors. Our kids told their friends and family about their experience and got other children excited about the idea of fly fishing as a result – so we’re looking to add more kids to the project in 2020! And our sessions were as much fun for the mentors as they were for the mentees – they’ve been sharing how meaningful this experience was with their colleagues and we have a lot of folks wanting to volunteer and support Mayfly in the coming year.

Christine Atkins

Lead Mentor, Manchester, Vermont Project

Project Mentors

News & Events

2024 impact!

2024 impact!

Take a look at the impact we had in 2024! Thank you to everyone for making this possible. From donors and sponsors, to advisors and mentors, we could not do this without all of YOU! Stay in the loop with news, events, and updates from The Mayfly Project[ninja_form...

Support The Mayfly Project

Manchester, Vermont Project

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