When he caught his first fish of the day, he jumped up and down, and all the other kids came running over to high-five him. Those are the moments that mean so much to these kids. He was hooked from that moment on! 

TMP Mentor

Scranton, Pennsylvania Project

Lead Mentor: Karl Knepley

Project Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania

Year project founded: 2022

Mentors on this team: 7

Children mentored to date: 10

Children to be mentored in 2025: 6

Local foster care partners: TBA

Local companies/foundations that support this project:  Currently adding community partnerships. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting this project!

Sign up to mentor here!

Contact our Lead Mentor here: Karlknepley@gmail.com


Support The Mayfly Project

Scranton, Pennsylvania Project

Fly fishing is a wonderful sport that hyper-connects with nature, is super fun, and provides a refreshing oasis in a sometimes crazy world. I started fly fishing as a kid and it has become a lifelong passion that I love to share with others. And what a blast to share fly fishing with the next generation of kids!

Karl Knepley

Lead Mentor, Scranton, Pennsylvania Project

Project Mentors


Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania

I’m a retired executive that loves to fish, especially fly fish. I have fly fished and tied flies for 40+ years and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I love ice-cold, crystal clear native Brook trout creeks; technical limestone streams; and year round difficult tail waters. I’m blessed to fish the West Branch of the Delaware, New York’s Salmon River, the Dream Stream section of the South Platte, the Quality Waters section of New Mexico’s San Juan River, and high Sierra streams & lakes most years now. My most unusual fish landed was a 36” shovelnose guitar fish on a 4-weight fly rod (a real saltwater fish, think if a shark and ray had a baby).


Newburgh, New York

I grew up in the Catskills and despite hearing about fly fishing my whole life didn’t get into it until after I moved away. Now I live in Newburgh NY and try to make it up to the mountains whenever I can. I also enjoy tying quite a bit. My favorite flies to tie are north country wet flies and soft hackles. Their simplicity really appeals to me.


Moosic, PA

A Pennsylvania native, Brian grew up fishing with his father in the rivers and lakes of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Brian works in the investment management industry and has utilized fly fishing to relax outside the office. He has spent the last decade refining his fly fishing skills on the limestone streams of central PA, the freestones of NEPA, and the east coast’s most famous tailwater, the Upper Delaware River. Brian looks forward to sharing his knowledge and experiences with the next generation of fly fishers as a mentor for the Scranton Mayfly Project!


Danville, PA

Moderately competent fly angler & tyer. I”m a husband, father, teacher, and learner. Born/Live/Fish central PA. If I’m not on Penns or Fishing Creek, I”m thinking about them.

News & Events

A closer look at the Roanoke, Virginia project impact!

A closer look at the Roanoke, Virginia project impact!

Scott Barrier, the lead mentor for the Roanoke, Virginia project, talks with News10 about the benefits and lasting impact fly fishing can have on foster youth. Scott and the amazing mentors in Roanoke are doing amazing work! Check out the article and video below!...

Clean Up from Hurricane Helene, Mentor Highlight!

Clean Up from Hurricane Helene, Mentor Highlight!

We’re honored to highlight one of our mentors who is not only a huge asset to TMP in Boone, North Carolina, but has been a hero in her community during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, 2024. Her name is Kelly McCoy—she is known in her community as the ‘Rivergirl’—a...

Bureau of Reclamation Partnership!

Bureau of Reclamation Partnership!

Our TMP projects in Medford and Klamath Falls, Oregon, and Hayden, Idaho partnered with the Bureau of Reclamation, (Columbia-Pacific Northwest Region and the California Great Basin Region), and their Fish-ABLE Fun program this summer! The Fish-ABLE program is designed...

Support The Mayfly Project

Scranton, Pennsylvania Project

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